Build and browse  your ISGRI database

1.Build the database.

Create a directory where you will put your database (say,

mkdir ~/scratch/database
cd ~/scratch/database

and prepare the directory for the data analysis as it is described in the initial set-up for the data analysis exercise.

We select to analyse 3 pointings (019900530010, 019900540010, 019900550010)  from the Carina region. You can use the INTEGRAL archive to select and save the corresponding SCW list into a file


The idea is that the set of standard analysis commands (like og_create, ibis_science_analysis etc), which is saved into a shell-script file


and copy the analysis script into this directory. To make the script executable, change the mode:

chmod a+x DA_database_script.csh

Now study the content of the script to understand what it does and how you can modify it in future to adjust for your purpouses.
Save the list of ScWs for your database in the database directory  and launch the script recursively:
foreach dir  (`cut -c 10-21 < DA_database_list.txt`)
source ./DA_database_script.csh $dir

The foreach cycle will take each line of the file DA_database_list.txt, take a substring between 10th and 21st character of the line (check that this will give the number of ScW) and substitute it as an argument for the DA_analysis_script.csh script.

Three pointings is  not really a "database" but it will end quickly giving you the   opportunity to run all the steps. Obviously, the longer the list of   data the longer the time to analyse and extract results!  It will take around 10 minutes per each scw (a not too crowded field  was selected to speed things up), so you have about 30 minutes to look at  the scripts you just launched.

For each of the 3 pointings you will extract IMAGES: 17-40, 40-100, 100-300 keV  SPE: standard binning: 16 bins from 13 keV to 970 keV
and LCR: 17-40 keV, 300 sec. When the first one is finished  you might want to have a look at the results to  get familiar with them. If the log file says no more "019900530010" then it is  very likely that the first pointing analysis finished!
The results of the three pointings are in the directory $REP_BASE_PROD/obs

You can look into the script which builds the database to adjust it to your needs.

2.Browse the database.

Now when your database is created in "OSA-friendly" format, you can easily use some standard tools to collect the results for your source of interest.

Collect source fluxes

Let us, for example, collect flux for a given source from images in each ScW of the database with the help of OSA 5 tool src_collect
( NOTE: for this tool the files isgri_sky_res.fits MUST be unzipped so:

gunzip $REP_BASE_PROD/obs/*/scw/*/isgri_sky_res.fits.gz 
To browse the database you will need the list of ScW in it. To create a text file with the list do

ls -1 $REP_BASE_PROD/obs/0*/scw/*/swg_ibis.fits.gz | awk '{print $0"[1]"}' > list.ima.txt
to convert it into fits file:
txt2idx element="list.ima.txt" index="list.ima.fits"
Now we can extract fluxes for all sources and all energy bands:
src_collect group=list.ima.fits+1 results=all.fits instName=ISGRI 
fv all.fits

  If we are interested in a particular source, say Cen X-3 and first energy band

src_collect group=list.ima.fits+1 results=cen.fits instName=ISGRI select="NAME == 'Cen X-3' && E_MIN==17"
fv cen.fits

(the latter should be 3 lines)

 Extract 100 sec lightcurves from the results

ls -1 $REP_BASE_PROD/obs/0*/scw/*/swg_ibis.fits.gz | awk '{print $0"[1]"}' >
txt2idx element="" index=""
lc_pick source='Cen X-3' attach=n \ emin="17"  \
lcselect='E_MAX==40' instrument="ISGRI"

you obtain the 100 merged lightcurve for Cen X-3. Study this lightcurve with fv:


Extract spectra from the results

ls -1 $REP_BASE_PROD/obs/0*/scw/*/swg_ibis.fits.gz | awk '{print $0"[1]"}' > list.spe.txt
txt2idx element="list.spe.txt" index="list.spe.fits[1]"
spe_pick group="list.spe.fits[1]" source="Cen X-3"\
ancrfile=/isdc/arc/rev_2/ic/ibis/rsp/isgr_arf_rsp_0010.fits \
rootname="CenX3" instrument="ISGRI"
data 1:1 CenX3_sum_pha.fits
data 2:2 CenX3_single_pha2.fits{1}
data 3:3 CenX3_single_pha2.fits{2}
data 4:4 CenX3_single_pha2.fits{3}
cpd /xs
plo lda
setplo en
plo lda

the 3 scws have the source at a high rate. You used the standard binning for spectral extraction.  You can change that in the analysis creating your own rebinned response matrix. See IBIS Cookbook  for more information. 
Now ssh to your home institution and launch your database script to create the database for your source of interest!